How was your week? Hopefully better than mine!
Let's see ... a meeting about stuff I know nothing about(love being in the dark!), writing assignments gone awry, missing paycheque (submitted paystub found and re-deposited by said employer)
and 3 computer crashes. And a Migraine. SuperFab. NOT!!!
I got in a couple great weekday runs, so miles in...
but whoohooo!
It's now #FABFriday

#STAYFAB this weekend!
I have a 10miler on the trail - Moose Mountain Trail Race! Then am following it up with10k on the paths with the Calgary Women's Run - which is ALWAYS a lotta fun! (Friday night also consists of volunteering for respective events package pick up and a VIP ladies night - ooh lala!)
These local small, community races are so so so much fun! And makes those last few training runs less painful, too. And, then Sunday later afternoon another run - (on some tired ass legs) but its my last week of training before "THEBIGONE".
What are your FAB plans??
Life. It's Fabulous.
Embrace it. Love it.
Celebrate the Awesome!
Good luck with your race! Hope you have a fab weekend :)