Oh Monday can so totally suck sometimes.
I did have the best weekend so the incessant drilling on my balcony is not as bothersome as it might be if I did not have such a FAB weekend.
My Friday started off with me receiving a piece of mail!!!
I love mail. I love receiving letters, cards and well PRESSIES!!!!!
And Friday started with a pressie.

It was hard not to snap photos and post the goodies online....but I had to wait until today. Yup! I can now show you the awesomeness of the Summer Fit Gear Exchange!
It all started as part of being a Sweat Pink Ambassador. And hanging out on a FB page for us Canadian gals. Then, Brittany from My Mama Journey, suggested we do a blogger exchange! YES!!! I am so in!
I received Charlotte's name - she blogs over at Charflew23. I did some research for Charlotte (partly helped from her most helpful post!. And then I picked up a few things, and added a few others that I had and thought she might love. I totally FORGOT to take photos of what I sent...but I know Charlotte will post - as soon as she gets the damn thing (its over a week now and I am very cross with Canada Post -- next time I will mail EXTRA early!!!) I promised Char it was worth it. And, I know I would be stoked if I received those goodies too. Funnily enough, many of the things I sort of thought I might send, she already had on her wish list! (UPDATE: see what I sent Char over HERE!
Brittany had my name...when I opened her package I was delighted to see several goodies.
Firstoff, the note she included was really lovely. I am pretty much a softie ... and was really boosted by her heartfelt note to me. She is about to embark on her first halfmarathon, and told me that some of my halfmara adventures have really given her a boost. I never think I am an inspiration to anyone,so THANK YOU Brittany! So sweet....
And now the goodies!
I received a Joe Fresh tank - in my fav colour ORANGE! ITs fab. It feels awesome on. I have not yet worn it for a run, but I know I will. I have worn it to the grocery shop on Saturday, and love the fit and feel. And, the fabric is sort of thicker - so its cozy - if that can be said about a tank. It's the softness of the fabric - and as a tank it isn't too bare either - so is wearable outside the gym or pathway. I also received chocolate (I will have you know I am hording this in my fridge for a treat after a long run - or this weekend - whichever comes first). The EOS lippie is awesome too. I ran out of mine a while back and hadn't bothered to replace it! I wasn't sure about a melon flavor, but tell you that it isn't sweet so I really love it. This lip balm is great because it glides on and isn't sticky.
The one thing I forgot to take a close up was the lovely notebook from Anthropologie. I always love stuff in there - but the price...sheesh. This is a prefect thing for me...as I always need to have a notebook at work - for hours, for thoughts, for assignments....The elastic keeps it shut and it is small - perfect the purse.
Thank you so much Brittany!
To check out who participated, check out the other blogger participants!
Brittany @ www.runningmamajourney.com
Laura @ www.healthyfoodieslosingbooties.blogspot.com
Janelle @ www.whollyhealthyblog.com
Charlotte @ https://charflew23.wordpress.com/
Kyla @ www.earlybirdfitness.com
And Krista @ https://behindthewhitefence.wordpress.com/
Have you ever done a gift exchange?
What is the one piece of summer gear you CANNOT be without?
What’s the ONE thing you totally WANT?
It was a fun exchange to do! Love your tank!