It's one of my fav races - local, awesome and it is my favourite Calgary Stampede activity. (see last year's post).
My festivities started with a little bit of a fun volunteer session - stuffing packages!
ooooh then package pickup
And, of course then choosing the outfit (hey its stampede - cowboy attire required!)

Anywhoo...back to the run...a few kilometres in and the fighter jets appeared. There were a few first timers around and were cheering in amazement. That is the handy thing about this race - it is on during Stampede, so several of the places we run by have great entertainment! Plus the volunteers. AWESOME.
Overall this race went well - except for two bathroom breaks and feeling tight in my hips (a direct result of climbing Moose Mountain a few days before). Hey its a tougher hilly course and was only a couple minutes off my last half pace - so not the result I wanted (i.e. faster) but overall a great feeling to finish and then have treats (pancake, sausage and ALL the water) oh and a glorious massage ... So much awesome. Oh and the VOLUNTEERS on the race. They give the BEST hi-5s, hugs, Signs, Calls out of Encouragement!!! Really they are awesome! Its such a great community and one of the big reasons I love it.
After the race, there is the usual clowning around, laughs and cheering on the kids race!
Sampled some goodies from sponsors Oasis and COBSbread
Admired my medal AGAIN (and showed off my temp tat)
After a morning full of awesome, I went home, had a rest, showered and did some errands.
I finished off the day with a drink and dessert!
YAHOO indeed!
Now to figure out if I want to do a halfmarathon in August or September....if I do it will be #39
I looked for you at the start, but missed you. Good to see you near the finish, glad you enjoyed the day.