How did it all start? Read all about it
here and
Really this post should start with me sayin': "What She Said!" Why? Cause I don't know if I can sum up how awesome this day was. BUT my fellow relay members have done an amazing job of recaps!
Cori -
Leg 1 and
More and
Michelle -
Leg 2
Tina - 3 & 4 (someone was drinking some BLUE koolade when they suggested this - HA)
Leana -
Leg 5
And now my dear is MY version of how four #littlebloggybluebirds burned up the streets of Banff, Alberta, Canada.
(this is the third version since somehow I managed to delete the first two....I got possessed by a Luddite this past week!)
On a cool dark EARLY Saturday morning Cori and I took off to fetch Leana. Of course, me not having coffee meant I was distracted and missed the turn to get the direct route to Leana's neighbourhood. instead we drove through a neighbourhood, saw a big ol elk crossing the city street pausing to stare at us incredulously while we tried in vain to snap a pic. HA! Finally we get Leana and after pausing to take pics of bunnies in her yard, we raced to Starbucks for coffee. These gals took pics and tweeted while I drove...I am shocked not one tweet said anything about my driving...since, well, I am a bad driver.
We were all rather chill and laughing the whole way. Funnily enough ALL of us had struggled in the week or so before the relay with being sick, too. But we were in this race for fun, comraderie...and had fabulous birds were READY!
And as we got to Canmore to pick up Michelle, we had to change cars, since my back seat only had 2 functioning seatbelts! WHO KNEW!! Again, more laughs and giggles and we arrived at the race.
Got our bibs, and began to get ready ....
Cori started us off! And as in typical Cori-ness in a great mood and knows how to set the tone... at the beginning of her leg AND at the end! She was strong and set the tone. It was fast and furious.
While Michelle was getting ready she was being Camera I couldn't snap any silly shots!
Once she got going...I was worried I would be out there before I knew it!!! So we jacked around and took a few snaps to quash my nerves...
It seemed like only a few minutes later they were calling Michelle's bib number which meant I only had a couple minutes before she came up the killer hill...looking FRESH as a DAISY...she had had a blistering pace too...
I am not sure I was really ready for her...but off I went.
Onto the HILLIEST hill section EVERRRRRRR. Good god. I climbed and climbed. AND roared down some hills. Man, I love goin downhill! And despite getting over about of shingles, I killed that 3rd leg. I ran it in a pretty stellar time, since it was a lotta climbing. 30 minutes FLEW by. I regret not taking any pics, since I had a hella scenic route. AND then I got to the hill. Oh Frick. That is a jerkwad of a hill....

Up the hill, through the finish and the start. As I got to the turnoff the volunteer was yelling NO GO LEFT-- LEG 3 IS LEFT. I am running by turning right to Leg 4, yelling back. No I am leg 4 too...They couldnt find my bib. Thank GOD I had a nice long downhill for a good kilometre to catch my breath. While this leg was a bit longer than the 3rd, it was WAY less hilly. IT just had one really really long out an back. Felt never ending really. I think I had a gas issue. As in outta gas. Some of it was a lack of energy given how hard I pushed on the prior leg. The problem was I never took water on my legs. All the other legs had water stations. Michelle's had 2! I had none. I didn't think about texting the girls at the start of the leg 3 say gimme water. So that was a mistake. But I started well hydrated. I just slowed down quite a bit. Especially at the second go around of that DAMN hill! hahah. Probably the slowest I ever ran a 5.5km run... But that is OK. I got er done. And I finally got to Leana!

Off she goes and its time to Cheer, and snap some more silliness...
I can't believe how FAST this is all flying by!
Before we know it, we are saying...ok...where is she? Leana has got to be coming...
Michelle heads down the hill to meet her, While Cori and I wait at the finish...and...
WOOTIE!!! Go the #littlebloggybluebirds!
So all in all we finished a marathon faster than any of us ever have! Granted the course was cut short -- by the addition of three bears on the course resulting in a slight route adjustment. Still, we had a blast and we were pleased with our time.
So to my #littlebloggybluebirds, I thank you. For one of the BEST race days ever. For your spirit, love, enthusiasm, drive, inspiration and patience. For your friendship and your understanding. Did I say patience? Cause I probably make you all crazy!!!
And you have kept me sane!
Your smarts, humour, speed and all-together fabulousness gives me a lot to strive towards!
oh and here are more after shots.....
Lunch was super!!
An special thanks to Leana who made us all up a goodie bag!! (notice the empty picky bar was devoured immediately after my legs!!) So thoughtful and sweet :-)
And THEN it got better as Cori sooprized us with a "medal" touching.
I can now say without a doubt I really DO love a relay. Especially with these amazing women who know how to have fun!! So thankful to have you among my friends.