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Thursday, 30 May 2013

It's FFriday: #whatsbeautiful

Have any of you checked out the Under Armour What's Beautiful site? 

I checked it out after reading about it from RunFastMama and Live from LaQuinta
I loved the idea of pushing yourself. Not comparing yourself to others...
seeing other FAB women and the goals that are being declared AND achieved. 

There are prizes to be won. 
I am pretty sure I won't be winning anything. But what I have done is: 
Set some epic goals. 
Got outta my comfort level. 
Show the world what is possible.
Inspire others. (i hope!)

Check out my profile here!

#IWill push myself!
#whatsbeautiful to you?
What goals are you setting? 

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Wordless Wed: THIS is what finishing a half looks like!

(Actually, its my 17th Half! Feels AWESOME! Can`t wait for the next one!)

Calgary Mara Update

It's the morning of my 17th half marathon. 

I am up by 5 am. Outta the house by 6 am. I have pee'd at least 3 times. 

I am hitting the grounds by 6:30. This place is a zoo...then again there are several thousand peeps running this morning! 

Arrive at race early. First Stop: PORTAPOTTY!!
It's cooler than I thought, but sunny. So it will get warm. I am excited and nervous. I make a choice that morning to not run with a pace bunny. I choose not to start with the 2:30 pacer. And figure I will rock it. 

I have a lofty goal: I want to hit under 2:24. 

I ran 2:25 last June and October. I have been running a a consistent pace for 10km...but been running a bit slower in my LSD runs. But I know I can. It is just that I have trouble pacing myself. 

I am strong, and I know I will not be two and a half hours. So off we go...
There is a hell of a lotta peeps in front of me! Let`s GO! 
So it goes pretty well. Well, meaning I am ahead of pace. Instead of pulling back, I keep going.

The first kilometre is under 6 minute pace.


Maybe not my brightest moment in hindsight. The next 5km are all done at under 6:45 pace. Each kilometre ranges between a low of 6:13 to a high of 6:48.  Holy SHIT. I end up hit 10km mark at 1:07:27

I think I shouldn't have looked at the watch. I'm excited. Distracted.

I see-saw the next few kilometres between 6:55 to 7:20. Jebuz. Why can't I just bloody stick to a pace???

I am now super frustrated and the mind is wandering. THIS is what frustrates me. Why can't I be consistent. Normally I don't have a race where i consistently go down in pace. HA!!! well serves me right for not slowing down from the get go. DAMN!

I think I am visibly pissed off when the 2:30 pace bunnies (both of them) pass me with 3 kilometres to go. They end up finishing several minutes before the anticipated pace.

Let me tell ya...was I PISSED at myself for not running with them from the start. Had I done so I would have cracked 2:24 and had a PB....or not...since nothing in a race is a given.

My 19th and 20th kilometre pretty much blow...but I batten down the hatches and finish with a 6:56 pace for my last kilometre. THANK GAWD. Again. Not my best, but I run like hell down the last stretch.

I am certain I am well over the 2:30 time frame, given the pacers passing me so far back....but not! Huzzah. My watch tells me i am around the 2:28 number. And then a while later I find my official time. Which ends up being my THIRD best time.

I feel amazing when I cross the finish line. I know it's not a best time, but I do feel good. More than anything I am frustrated with me. And my inconsistency. But still. I stewed about it for a good 24 -36 hours. GAH!!!!!!!

Then I think about it. A 2:27 finish isn't BAD. It just isn't my BEST.

But. It is my BEST of the year. And its early in the year. So I need to chill. AND enjoy the run. So quit being pissy.

I'll do some trail runs, sweat it out...get in some faster 10kms and work on that pace and endurance. I have my first trail half in a month. Then another long trail run in 6 weeks.

These runs won't be about speed, but about pushing to new heights and distances in rugged terrain. Spend July and August with some speed work. And, come September - October: I'll go after that 2:15 with some gusto. If I keep this up I can get it done. Just be steady in the training!

Don't look at the HAIR!!

One of my FAV parts of a long the CHEER STATIONS! 
What keeps YOU going in a long run? 

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Morning Run with Simon

It's the morning before halfmara #17. Calgary Marathon weekend! wootiewoot! And this morning is a run with Simon Whitfield! Who is Simon a few of you may ask? Well, he is a LEGEND! Gold Medalist in Triathalon in 2000 Olympics, 2002 commonwealth Games, Silver Meadalist in 2008 Olympics.....and a few others. He recently 'retired', but was in Calgary to run the 10km race in the Calgary Mara  (how'd he fare in one of his non TRI races? 4th! Ran 10km in 33:44. Just 3 mins behind winner and 39 seconds behind the 3rd place finisher!)

But I digress...back to the morning run.

It is a nice 3km friendship run with Simon coming out to inspire. It was an inspiring morning. We were introduced to Simon, and some of the elites running the half. We met Lucy - who can run a 1:12 halfmara...and Kip, who's halfmara record is 1:03. OK. This is seriously insane fast! Amazing they are slumming with us this morning!

Simon spoke of being in awe of the speed and ability of the elite athletes. Funny...isn't HE an elite??? It was great. He talked about running "with" Terry. And most Canadians of a certain age have all run "with Terry Fox. Love how he referred to running as a kids and being inspired by Terry. He was our inspiration growing up! And that still gives Terry's stature in Victoria a high-5 when he runs by during training!

And then we met the pace bunnies.  I am hoping to run a 224 half. I have been having issues pacing myself....sadly there isnt a pacer for that time. There is a 215 and a 230 pacer. Damn.

But I am sooo SO inspired in meeting Gerry, the 215 constant pace bunny. He's 80. Who recently ran a 3:45 marathon! Now THAT is how I wanna do 80!


Freaking 80 and recently ran in Boston -- finishing  a few minutes before the bombs went off. I have met him  a few times over the last couple years. Every time i am inspired by his strength and athleticism. But this morning after spending 10 minutes talking to him (before the event started) about running, loving the run and that we should all be GRATEFUL moved me more than usual. He`s right. Love that run. Enjoy it and appreciate it, because you never know what might happen. So true.

And then we all move onto the pathways to go for a run!

What a great morning for a run! Finally after pouring rain for 3 days, the sun came out! I tried to take a few pics of us running...and at the get go I was pushing at the front of the pack. Partly so I could see if I could take pics of Simon running. As you can see....those didn't turn out so well! 

Simon's feet are on the ponytail is the far right! HA

That is Simon at the front in Grey...honest! 
Feel great in the sun! Bring on my HALF!

I kept up with the pack, running a 6:10 for the 3km. 
This makes me realize that I need to push harder...a sub 29 5km is coming soon. 
So is that sub 60 10km. I can feel it!

 I love events like this...they inspire you, they start your day with a killer bang. Even if you have to leave the event and go to work! 

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

HALF "Goofy" Weekend in Pics: Rocky Mountain Soap Women's Run Weekend Extravaganza

Remember last week? I told you about my Half Goofy plan? You know, THAT plan where I run a half marathon one day and a 10km the next?

Well, it arrived. It was beautiful. It was harsh. Kind of like those rugged Rockies we Canadians love so much. The weather was amazing. And, the Rocky Mountain Women's Run was a great time. I need to write about my run...but for are some pics that tell the story

Friday Night: On the way to Canmore....
 In lovely! 

 The view from my balcony....sigh
Getting Ready for PART ONE: Half MARA Saturday
Saturday Morning: Off to the race...
And the start...

 13.1 miles DONE! 

Done means ONE wee reward...then hydrate for day 2...
 Get the outfit ready for Day@: 10km 
 And at the start....
 And one very HARD finish! a lot slower than I normally run...but I got er done!!

And THEN....massage! ahhhhhhhhhhh

Catching up with fellow blogger, Leanna and my pal Tara!  

Wordless Wednesday -- Sign Seen on a Run!

Monday, 13 May 2013

I Sweat Pink!

Woot! I am pretty thrilled to say that I am super excited and honoured to have been accepted as a Sweat Pink Ambassador! 

What is Sweat Pink? It's a movement of like-minded woman (from across North America) put together by Fit Approach. I love that Fit Approach isn't a business, it is a community. Started by women, for women. Its all about inspiring and bringing up others within the community. Read about them here

I am stoked that running, and then blogging, has given me a new community to tap into. I have new friends, colleagues and inspiration. This fuels my passion and makes me even more excited about things to come! 

SweatPink Ambassadors (SPAs) are women who love to sweat, eat well AND enjoy the finer things in life. SPAs are also natural leaders who motivate others around them to achieve their best, and set an example of a healthy, positive life. I wouldn't call myself a natural leader...but I do think my enthusiasm and passion ARE contagious. I am honoured to think I have inspired others to run, or pursue their passion in fitness or in life! I like to think I am passionate about everything I do and am curious to find new, exciting ways to be active. 

The fact that these awesome women at Fit Approach selected me to be a SPA is a heck of an honour. It makes me proud of me, and my accomplishments. And it tells me that I am on the right path to a healthy lifestyle. I HAVE come a long ways...and it is a great feeling to feel FAB about it all! Anything is #sweatpossible when you #sweatpink! 

Wanna join me? Check out the above links above to learn more about Sweat Pink or how to become an ambassador. 

Sweat Pink Mission
We believe that kicking ass is best done in pretty shoes. We’ve learned that real women sweat, and sweat hard. We know that assertiveness, strength, and ambition are the ultimate feminine qualities. We concede that sometimes it takes hours to get ready, but we’re also no strangers to just rolling out of bed and going. We’re convinced that we run faster in pink shoelaces. We believe in pushing ourselves, and we believe in giving ourselves a break, too. We’re all about the rush of endorphins and the thrill of the challenge. We’re all for looking great and feeling even better. We’re committed to finding our best fit, and making it stick.

How do we get there?
We climb.
We journey.
We balance.
We reward.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

That feels Better!

Sometimes in order to feel better, you just need a run! 

 With someone who GETS IT! 

4km with Cori....just what the Doctor ordered!
Hope you all have a good run today, tomorrow or this weekend! 

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

A HALF "Goofy" weekend in the Mountains!

Ok....I am officially nuts. In honour (and because I was envious of those who signed up for) the Goofy Mara in Disneyworld, I created my own crazy adventure.

This weekend I will be running my own version of the Goofy. A Half Marathon (my 16th since 2011!) on Saturday, followed by a 10km race on Sunday. Its going to a be a busy weekend in a gorgeous mountain setting!

Last year, I ran a 12km race in one of my best times (74mins!), so I hope I can have another great race. Or two.

But, this race is in the mountains. And it is a blockbuster event for me....And, I haven't run a half out here before! Still the air is fresh, the scenery AMAZING! I am pumped. Rocky Mountain Soap Company puts on a FAB event! They are a Canadian company that makes 100% natural bath and body products! Love their stuff!

The Rocky Mountain Women's Run really is a fab time! Just a different feeling than many races. Less about the RACE than the feeling of getting out there and doing it.  Which for me has resulted in PBs each time I have run.

I have volunteered for the past 3 years as well. So pumped to help out pre-race for package pickup.
This year for the first year, we are getting SHIRTS as well as amazing RMSC products. I am stoked (and a little scared) for Saturday!


Friday, 3 May 2013

Skirt Sports Skirt Chaser 5K - Calgary

I had been chatting (and tweeting about this race for ages. My pal Cori had told me how she loved the Skirt Sport brand. And I read about the race concept. Sounded super fun. After volunteering for the Crave Chick Chaser 5 miler, I was so ready for a nice light-hearted CHICK race on my birthday. Let`s be serious, I wanted a PB too! I am ready to be under 30 mins for  a 3km! And since it IS my birthday...beers afterwards means somebody is planning my party, not ME!

Woke up to a wonderfully sunny day! It is about time because Spring has not been here really...and we are tired of waiting. It`s been a dreadfully cold and snowy (unusual April). Then again you never know with Calgary...last year on May 4th there was a snowstorm on a 10k race I did....

Thank you Mother Nature for giving me the gift of sun today! After massage therapy, then a coffee date and picking up my race package for the Skirt Sports Skirts Chaser, I was off to join the guys at TransRockies Events to help set up!

They were already fast at work, so I got started at wrapping the fences. It`s kinda fun to see the place take shape, since most of us only see the space after its finished and race ready!  The location of the race was great - east of downtown Calgary right along the river pathways. AWESOME locale for a run anytime! It was a great way to spend part of my afternoon, meeting and chatting with folks from Skirt Sports and Transrockies. Finding out more about the organizations made me love them even more. And left me feeling so pumped about the night`s events (and all of the awesome runs that TransRockies has coming up!)

After two short hours of set up, I had to go to a job interview (lets hope its not like a bad date and the REALLY do call back). Then had to race home, change and take transit back downtown. Somehow transit was completely delayed and i ran 20 minutes to get across river and jump on train to take me to east village. Finally got there at 5 (an hour later than I thought) and there wasn't anything left for me to do. I sort of felt i didn't really DO enough to help out! 

Then my pals started showing up! First Tara. I had her gear so we went and got ready and hung around ooogling all the Skirt Sports merch. And the Fast and Female gear! Fast and Female was the charity associate with the race. I didn`t buy anything...but def will be next weekend at the Rocky Mountain Soap Run, where they also have a big presence!  Who is Fast and Female you ask? They are a very cool org that supports, motivates, inspires and empowers gils to stick to sports with innovative programming! Check them out! they do great work!
Then Cori showed up! 
And then she introduced me to Sophia
And then we waited for the race to begin....countdown to 6 pm...AND GO!  Man the pace was hot to start. I was under 6minutes per km. Knew THAT might not be such a grand idea to keep up, but i pushed a bit for the first k. I actually did better than I thought. Had a 9 minute mile, then a 10:24, then another 10 ish to hit a PB of 29:54.  Right at the end of my race I got dicked and chicked. I tried to push a bit harder but my tank (or maybe my head) was not there. Still I crossed and got under the 30 mark. hot diggity good GD!!! Now to keep up that pacing for long runs....well there is some work to be had for that...but it will come. I know it.
Sophia had nipped by me right at the end, I tried to keep up but there just was a lack of gas. I tried to find her right after to Hi-5 but she's already left to go home to her family! I will see more of her for sure! I love that I am meeting more and more fab women runners in my community (and in other cities) through twitter! 

Oh! and the skirt! It fits FAB. It is sized for REAL girls. Too many sport companies don't think about boobs and hips. (And it is clear I am NOT a member of the itty bitty titty committee) I loved how this skirt fit. I didn't pull, tug, adjust once during the run! AWESOME! Now I just have to save my $$$ to order the bra, jacket, top and skirts that i sooooo wanna have!!! 

And just cause you wanna know about the after it is in pics! Hey I drank two whole beer. I rarely drink beer. I don't care for it. But this I liked. I was so glad that my lovely pal Chantelle and Tat's hubs Trevor came to have fun too! If this race in your city, sign up! its a hoot. Great food, atmosphere, product and FUN! Hi-5s all round.

 It was a great night! 
Thanks to my pals for comin out and to 
Trans Rockies and Skirt Sports for throwing a great bash! 

Run Happy Peeps! Always! 

Read Cori's Race Report here!
Read Sophia Race Report here