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Sunday, 31 March 2013

Pick a CaNUUNdian! My HTC Application

This past week I have been consumed with making a video. And well, freaking out over making the video. Will it work? ACK one of the bits filmed did not work. No wait...I missed 3 parts. Oh man the wind was blowing. This is insane....the sound quality bites. The wind is too strong....REALLY a plane just took off and now i have to do another take? oh gaaaaaaaad!!!

Just a few weeks ago the Nuun Blog announced it was accepting applications for its Hood to Coast relay team!

Nuun happens to be my favourite hydration choice before, during and after I run! In the past few years they have had 2 or 3 teams (each with 10-12 women) for the Hood to Coast relay. So when I read that they put a call out to women runners (who blog) to apply to be on their relay team. (Squeals of delight from around North America!!! Can you IMAGINE??)

The HTC relay is a 199 mile relay from Mt Hood to the Oregon coast. Sounds insane!!! It is called the MOTHER of ALL RELAYS. I am SO DOWN with that!! Perhaps I am a nutter for wanting to spend 30+ hours in a van with 9 women, each of us running 3 or 4 legs in a completely fun, awesome atmosphere. Stink? Really? who CARES!!! This is the opportunity of a lifetime. I have to do this!!

Selected bloggers (Nuun is picking 20!!) need to get to Seattle. Nuun takes care of you for 5 days, 4 nights. They say:  "Bring yourself, your run gear, your sense of adventure!" Running and cheering on other fab women...This is a road trip AMPED up in a significant way!! So SO SOOOOO FUN!! Bring it! Let's hope they pick a team member who doesn't live in the States...

Last year I applied, but not via video. On my blog...see blog post app here. While i had a good story (i think!) ...a video probably shows MUCH more personality. And is more compelling.

I have come so far since 2010...lost over 40 pounds and found my inner #runnerd! 
This year, I knew i needed something better. Something stronger. A video. GAH! I am a bad videographer!! What am I saying? I have never made a video...ok. DEEP BREATH here....I think I can do this. I think I have a pretty good concept. Lets hope the Nuun peeps love it! Thing is I SUCK at videos...but...I am so excited by this race and the opportunity to represent a company I really LOVE!

Hopefully my video application shows off my fabulous fun side and I am crossing my fingers (legs, toes....whatever i can!) that they pick me. Here's hopin that at some point between April 5-17 they think I have what it takes to be part of their team!!

I figured I would share my (very amateur) video with you all...Hope it shows you a slice of my whackadoo personality and makes you laugh!

#nuunhtc #pickaCaNUUNdian #nuunlove

After filming I forgot to tell them WHERE in Canada I am from...Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I live close to the I am primed and READY to run down a mountain. Hell, I will run up it if you ask! Rain or Shine, I am down with a run! 

Are you applying to #nuunhtc? 

And just a few crazy runner shots of me....


  1. Hey Tina, I love your enthusiasm. I sure hope Nuun picks you for the Hood to Coast relay! Thanks for the sly Twitter marketing too... you got me to try my first Nuun today (pink lemonade) and I love the little bit of bubbles, the just-right level of flavour and the way I didn't get a headache afterward because it did a great job re-hydrating me! Yay! Go #CaNUUNdian Tina!!! #pickherpickherpickher

    1. Hey Michelle! I am so glad you like Nuun. I do like the Strawberry Lemonade Flav for sure. Lemon Tea is my fav tho. I really DO love the stuff. When I first started running i had a LOT of tummy issues (not to mention extra weight!) Anyhoo stuff like gatorade made me feel crappy (literally!) SO i tried this Nuun on a recommendation from a Staffer at RR. I have tried a few other brands, nothing seemed to work like Nuun (as in never an upset tummy and just seemed to help in long runs and in recovery especially!)I struggle with gels and chews, but hydration is not a prob anymore!! The only other one i will buy is Ultima Refresher. :-)

      ps - OMG! Fingers Crossed for this opportunity...holy cow!!

  2. Love the #pickaCaNUUNdian hashtag :) good luck!!

    1. Thanks Melissa!! Was this not a fun thing or what!! Oh fingers crossed for ya too. When I got done, I thought of all the things i coulda woulda or shoulda....haha!
